OK. But, like, How?
After "Why?", the next question people tend to ask about Whole 30 is "How?".
As in, "How do you live without cheese?", "How do you do all that cooking?",or "How, HOW, do you not eat bread?"
I get it. It's really hard to imagine. I've been there, and I couldn't imagine it either. I thought people who did this were crazy, and I wanted no part of it.
You've been eating the way you have for a long time. It is completely understandable that you aren't sure if you can do this, but you can! I know you can, because we did.
So, How?
Well, the first thing to remember is that this is for 30 days. It's not Whole 365, it's Whole 30, and 30 days is not forever.
It's not always easy, but things that are worth doing rarely are.
You are worth the effort!
All of the prep and work and clean-up seems daunting right now, but it won't always be that way. Just like anything we add into our lives, if it's important, we'll make room.
Once your 30 days are up, it's up to you what you eat. As you add your foods back in and see how you react to them, you'll discover the answer to another "how". If you have a bad reaction to a food you are reintroducing, you may decide that's not something you want to eat anymore.
It's hard. We're sentimental about food. It's called "comfort" food for a reason. It really does comfort us. But it can also damage us. In one breath, my sweet, caring, Aunt, could: offer me food, complain about being overweight, warn me about becoming overweight, and then offer me food again. That kind of stuff messes with your head. It's difficult to get past, but you can do it.
Besides making your health a priority, another "how" is making it as easy on yourself as possible. Sometimes this means taking some extra time ahead of the game, and doing some prep. This helps.
Let me say a little about "Extra Time". You don't have any. I know. I didn't have any either. Here's what happened, though. As I made more time to take care of myself, I got some extra time. I felt better after a little less sleep, so I was able to get up a little earlier. I eventually got to where I wasn't having to sit down as much to rest during the day, too. That was pretty cool. And it just keeps getting better. The better I feel, the more I can do, and the more"extra" time I seem to have.
Prepping takes time, yes, but it also gets quicker the more you do it. You'll find a routine and get it down to a science after a while.
The last "how" I'll talk about today is support. Get you some. Whether it's your husband or wife, or your best friend. Maybe a Facebook group. Hey, here's one
Support is an incredible thing. You may need someone to talk you through a sugar craving, to give you a new recipe, or to genuinely acknowledge that you are doing something worthwhile. Take support, give support. You don't have to do it alone.
30 days could totally change your life, for the better.
Those 30 days are going to pass no matter what, so, really, what do you have to lose? You could lose that tired feeling. You could lose that grumpy attitude (maybe). You could lose some self-doubt. You might even lose some weight, if that's what you're looking for.
What could you gain?
Some sleep. Some energy. Some skill in the kitchen (really). Some feeling of accomplishment. Some joy.
You are worth it. Your family is worth it.
That's How. (Plus Coffee)